The "Cherepovetsles" company has implemented a construction project of a new modern sawmill for the production of dry coniferous sawn timber of export quality. The initiator of the project was OOO "Belozerskles", which is part of the "Cherepovetsles" holding company.
The construction of the plant allowed processing 240 thousand m³ of coniferous sawn timber of small diameters ("thin gauge") annually, expanding the existing product assortment, increasing production volumes and creating 97 new jobs for Belozersky district citizens.

sawn timber

The sawmill construction pre-design work was started in 2015. The construction of the new production started in 2016. The supplying, installation and commissioning of technological equipment were completed during 2017, by the end of which the new sawmill reached the design capacity of 100,000 m³ of dry sawn timber. Modernization of the sawmill lines in 2020 increased the output of finished sawn timber to 120,000 m³ per year and improved the quality of pulp chips.
One of the principles of choosing location for the project was the maximum proximity of the construction site to the existing production infrastructure – the Belozersk municipal district of the Vologda region. A site near the Veregonets village in the Belozersky district was chosen as the optimal place for the new production facility construction.