Press center
On March 16, planed mouldings shop was opened in OOO Koskisilva. By officially cutting the red ribbon and pressing a symbolic button, a new...

A planed mouldings line was launched at a woodworking enterprise in the Sheksninsky district.

Region Governor Deputy Mikhail Glazkov met the management of OOO "Koskisilva" company, which is part of the Cherepovetsles holding...

On December 21, 2022, the head of the training center of AO "Babaevsky LPH", V.E. Volkov, conducted an internship for teachers of the...

On October 20, 2022, Cherepovets schoolchildren visited a sawmill in Veregonets village, Belozersky district.

Cherepovetles Group takes part in a Career guidance project for 9th grade students "Career startup in transport and...

The "Cherepovetsles" holding company and its enterprises join the All-Russian information flash mob #WeWork (#МыРаботаем).

In the March publication of the magazine "Russian North" No. 1 (31), an article was published about the sawmill of AO "Belozersky...

Vologda Region Governor Oleg Kuvshinnikov visited the construction site of the Babaevsky Woodworking Plant

The Cherepovetsles Holding employees arrived in Belozersk in a large team for a career guidance meeting with students of A. A. Zhelobovsky Belozersky...

Career guidance meeting with students of the Vologda State Agricultural Academy named after N. V. Vereshchagin was held by employees of the holding...

Cherepovetsles Holding representatives met with senior students of the Kadui Power Engineering College

A career guidance meeting was held between students of the Cherepovets Forestry and Mechanical Technical School named after V. P. Chkalov and the...

The traditional regional vocational guidance competition "Young Forester" was attended by students of grades 6 - 9 of schools of the...

On February 28, a career guidance meeting of students and teachers of the Ustyuzhensky Polytechnic Technical School and the Sazonovsky branch of the...
Cherepovetsles company was awarded a medal for the development of wood processing biotechnologies at the 26th International Forest Forum and...

The investment project of the "Cherepovetsles" holding company "Building of a timber processing plant in the Babaevsky district of the...

Trainers of the Vologda Regional Competence Center conducted training in lean manufacturing methods for enterprises of the Cherepovetsles Holding.