Cherepovetsles holding
Cherepovetsles holding enterprises
Holding's structure

The Cherepovetsles Holding includes:
- four logging enterprises:
- AO “Babaevsky Lespromkhoz”,
- AO “Belozersky Lespromkhoz”,
- OOO “Belozerskles”,
- AO “Vashkinsky Lespromkhoz”,
- timber processing plants:
- sawmill in Nizhnyaya Mondoma village (sawntimber and biofuel production),
- sawmill in Veregonets village (sawntimber production),
- OOO "Koskisilva" in Sheksna village (planed wood stock production).
The holding's enterprises are the largest taxpayers and the main employers of Babaevsky, Belozersky and Vashkinsky districts of the Vologda Region. 1,300 people work in all forestry enterprises. The holding ‘s enterprises pay 500 million rubles of taxes to all levels of the budget, and the state receives 360 rubles of deductions for each harvested cubic meter of forest.

Holding's enterprises
Holding's enterprises operate in four districts of the Vologda region