Belozersky LPH

established in
AO "Belozersky LPH" is the largest enterprise in the holding with an annual volume of logging up to 540 thousand m³. The company's forest management compliance international standards of forest management.
In recent years, in accordance with the plan approved by the holding, the introduction and use of high-performance imported logging equipment has been carried out.
Logging is carried out in accordance with all existing norms and rules of forest legislation. The company conducts continuous logging, logging with the preservation of undergrowth, long-term gradual logging, selective logging and care logging.
In 2002, a modern sawmill with a design capacity of over 70,000 m³ of softwood lumber per year was built on the basis of Belozersky LPH. The edged board is exported to factories of Central and Western Europe for the production of molded and planed products.
Despite the fact that all objects of the social sphere were transferred to the municipal jurisdiction, the forestry enterprise continues to build housing for its employees and the develops the social sphere in forest settlements.

established in
logging volume
harvesters and forwarders

AO "Belozerskiy LPH"
Belozersk, Radishchev str., 48, bld. 4