Pellet workshop
Pellet workshop in Nizhnyaya Mondoma village

of commissioning
of commissioning
In October 2019, wood pellets workshop was put into operation at the basis of AO “BelozerskyLPH”, located on the production site of a sawmill in the Nizhnyaya Mondoma village of the Belozersky district, Vologda region.
A complex technological line of "Amandus Kahl Gmbh & Co. KG" (Germany) and automatic packaging machine pellets with pallet laying by "Robotika Kogler" (Slovenia) are installed in the workshop.
The fuel pellets production required more heat energy. The construction of a new boiler house at the sawmill allowed to bring the pellet shop to full production capacity — up to 30,000 tons per year.
The geographical location of the pellet production allows to ship products to the markets of Europe and Asia.

of commissioning
of commissioning
Separate Enterprise "Sawmill"

Eugeny Konanov
Workshop Director
Russia, Vologda region, 161200,
Belozersky district, Nizhnyaya Mondoma village, Novaya str., 16
Belozersky district, Nizhnyaya Mondoma village, Novaya str., 16